What is practical philosophy?


The Question

Every great discovery, every revolution, every personal success and every milestone in our life, always started with a question. But unfortunately, under the illusion of certainty, our new methodology of choice has increasingly become one of shortcuts and quick fixes.

What we have lost along the way is the depth and power of the question. Did you know that the quality of our lives depends less on our answers and much more on our questions? That questioning is not just the basis for discovery and learning, but that it is also a key ingredient for happiness and fulfillment?


The Art of Thought Mastery

Our well-being and happiness are not products of our external circumstances, but rather the result of our inner thoughts! If we learn to tame our thoughts, and unleash them, we can take charge of every area in our life!


The Virtuous Life

To live a "virtuous life", means living a life of meaning, self-examination, experimentation and questioning. A life with depth, value and fulfillment for ourselves and others.

We need to start questioning again, and dare to go beyond the surface, beyond appearance and beyond our perceived boundaries. Being a Practical Philosopher is not an achievement that you reach, but rather a way of living that you embrace.



So, how often, how regularly and how deeply do you still "question"? Do you have the resources, the people and the setting to help you achieve mastery of your thoughts?

Join the Convivium and let's examine the life-changing questions around success, performance, mind-power, habits, leadership, emotions, personal excellence, fulfillment and much much more... together!